
hello! i'm cliford

i try to write technical blog posts. i also post life updates sometimes.

A Year of City Walks

I started off this year with a bunch of goals. Not sure if this is just me slowly entering my quarter-life crisis, but I’ve been trying to (re)discover hobbies, find out things about myself and just do some soul-searching in general. While I might’ve given up on a bunch of these (RIP the dusty guitar in the corner of my room), the one goal I can say that I’m satisfied with has been one to travel. I believe I’ve been to more places this year than any other year of my life.

Cafes, Curries and Other Adulting Adventures

It’s been a good while since I’ve come back to this blog. It’s something I always think I should do, but I just never get around to doing it. I can’t seem to shake the feeling that I will come back here in ten years and look to this blog in nostalgia. So, I figure it’s good to document what this point in my life was like. Why that has to be on a public blog on the Internet, I cannot explain.

College: Calicut, Coding and COVID

A week back, my undergrad college (NITC) education came to an end. Though I spent around a half of it sitting at my desk at home staring at a screen, I’m still leaving the place with a bunch of fond memories, some great experiences and an itch to talk about all of it. Luckily, I have this blog which has patiently been waiting for me to come scream into the void again.